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Founded in 1990

Hungarian flag

This is the website of the original Society founded in 1990, by HE Ambassador Tibor Antalpéter and the Right Honorable Lord Rees QC, who was our first President, named:
The British Hungarian Society

The British Hungarian Society
was founded in 1990 at a time when Hungary was embracing democracy and a new freedom in contact with the West. It aims to bring together all, British and Hungarian alike, who are interested in Hungary and in further development of British-Hungarian relations. Hungary's accession to the EU in 2004 gave an impetus to the Society to strengthen the ties between our great countries. It was also in the year of 2004 that our first website was produced.

Our society is a not for profit organisation and the officers are all honorary, this includes the Secretary and Treasurer

Dr. Otto von Habsburg obituaries

Sir Gavyn Arthur obituaries


To apply for membership of the British-Hungarian Society, please download and print the application form by clicking on the link below. When complete, post the form to the Secretary at the address provided on the form.

Membership Application Form

To download the form, right-click on the above link and choose 'Save target as...'. To view this file you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you do not have it you can get a free copy by clicking here. Adobe Acrobat Reader

If you have any questions, please contact us at the address given below



The Society aims to hold a number of meetings/events each year to discuss political, economic, scientific, educational and social issues.

Event notifications are sent out on the members' mailing list. If you wish to become a member and be included on the mailing list, please contact us at the address below and we will be delighted to discuss joining the Society with you.

Below will be listed the future meetings of the Society. These meetings are open to both members and invited non-member guests.

To view the full details and to print an attendance form, please click on the 'Printer Format' link of the event(s) you are interested in.


Members and Associates will be kept informed of meetings/events from time to time in our Newsletters. Society newsletters are published here and emailed to all current members of the Society during the course of the subscription year.

Previous news letters were produced on:

May 2020
June 2019
September 2018
December 2017
December 2016
October 2016
May 2016
March 2016
November 2015
June 2015
September 2014
March 2014
September 2013
March 2013
September 2012
January 2012
March 2011
September 2010
February 2010

Forthcoming Events

Unless otherwise stated by the Secretary, most events start at 7.00 pm and are held in central London.

Members and their Guests are welcome from 6.30pm onwards. Non-member Guests are requested to make a suitable donation for attendance.

Use the scroll bar above to see past events.

Contact Us

You can contact the The British-Hungarian Society by any of the following methods:

The Honorary Secretary
PO Box 130
Henley on Thames
United Kingdon

Society Officers

Present honorary officers are:

The President: Adrian Longley OBE
The Chairman: Soon to be appointed
The Secretary: Ilona Esterházy
The Treasuer: Eamonn Townsend

list of all pages

Important to note

Our original Society should not in any way be confused with the recent company formed in March 2023 also named The British Hungarian Society. On their website they are falsely claiming our history which goes back to 1990. We would like to make it abundently clear that this new company is in no way way connected with our long standing Society and none of the officers of that company are members of our Society.

Embassy of the Republic of Hungary


Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cutural Centre, London
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